What kind of vampire is renesmee

So you have to think on your feet and speak in sound bites. When I write a story, I start out with infinite possibilities. As I describe any character or plot point, I make those characteristics finite. For example, once I decide Bella is a brunette, all of her blonde and redhead possibilities disappear. Once I decide Bella lives in Washington, all the other places she might have lived are gone.

Until I need to know a certain fact about the character, all the possibilities stay open out there in that universe of possibilities. If I set something in concrete prematurely, it could be a stumbling block later, so I try to keep an open mind about details until they become necessary to the story. If I explore a character too early, that can lock me into a situation that might be difficult to work with later.

Vampires and pregnancy: when did that idea occur to you? How does that work? Bella reads about several real vampire legends—the Danag, Estrie, Upier, etc. In the novel, I only mentioned a few of the many legends I read through. The unique feature about that legend was that the incubus could father children.

Hmmm , I said, and I filed that kernel of an idea away for later. When I decided to write the first sequel to Twilight Forever Dawn , I knew it was going to revolve around a hybrid baby from the outset.

Everything I wrote was pointed in that direction. I focused my answers on the female half of the equation—female vampires cannot have children because their bodies no longer change in any aspect.

There were many statements on this subject purported to have come from me, but I never made those comments because, obviously, I knew where this was going. None of this story is possible. Within the context of the fantasy, however, this is how it works:. Vampires are physically similar enough to their human origins to pass as humans under some circumstances like cloudy days. There are many basic differences. They appear to have skin like ours, albeit very fair skin.

The skin serves the same general purpose of protecting the body. However, the cells that make up their skin are not pliant like our cells, they are hard and reflective like crystal. A fluid similar to the venom in their mouths works as a lubricant between the cells, which makes movement possible note: this fluid is very flammable.

A fluid similar to the same venom lubricates their eyes so that their eyes can move easily in their sockets. The lubricant-venom in the eyes and skin is not able to infect a human the way saliva-venom can. Though there is no venom replacement that works precisely like blood, many of the functions of blood are carried on in some form. Also, the nervous system runs in a slightly different but heightened way. Some involuntary reactions, like breathing, continue in that specific example because vampires use the scents in the air much more than we do, rather than out of a need for oxygen.

The normal reactions of arousal are still present in vampires, made possible by venom-related fluids that cause tissues to react similarly as they do to an influx of blood. Like with vampire skin—which looks similar to human skin and has the same basic function—fluids closely related to seminal fluids still exist in male vampires, which carry genetic information and are capable of bonding with a human ovum.

She overcame the major obstacles in her path and fought her way to the place she wanted to be. Stories need conflict, and the conflicts that are Bella-centric are resolved. It makes me sad, of course, but I was expecting it. The negative was more than I was braced for, but that was because the book sold a lot more copies than I expected. It was bigger than I thought it would be on both the positive and the negative sides. Because no book is a good book for everyone. Conversely, there are books that I adore that no one else seems to care about.

The surprise to me is that so many people do like my books. I wrote them for a very specific audience of one, and so there was no guarantee that any other person on the planet besides me would enjoy them.

With Breaking Dawn , the expectation was so huge and so intense that I knew the negative reaction was going to be especially bad this time. No book—or album, or movie, or tv show, or any other kind of entertainment—can answer to that level of expectation. Oh, it might do it for some people, it might be exactly what they were looking for. If I could go back in time, knowing everything I know right now, and write the whole series again, I would write exactly the same story.

Like all vampires, they sparkle in the sunlight; they do not sleep or age; they are freakishly fast and agile and cold to the touch. Unlike other vampires, their feeding habits allow them to live in one place for an extended period of time and establish a community — making them rivals to the reigning vampire clan, the Volturis.

Those traditional vampire types, with the cloaks and the super-red eyes and the unfortunately long hair? They are the Volturi, who are essentially vampire royalty and who enforce vampire rules by torturing everyone with their special powers. Dakota Fanning can just stare at someone and light their insides on fire, more or less.

Still, imagine a brand-new human baby, who can only eat, sleep, or shit. Then give it the ability to run around crazy fast and hunt humans its preferred food. Then take all the time the baby would have spent sleeping or getting its diaper changed and devote it to eating, since vampires do neither of those things.

Now, make it look like an adult. As a hybrid vampire, Renesmee has several features that the rest of her kind aren't able to enjoy.

She has a rapidly beating heart, which might assuage her father's guilty conscious and obsession with being an evil creature who is damned to hell. Her veins and heart pump her own blood, giving her a much more human-like appearance than her family. Her skin, which isn't as hard as her parents', also doesn't sparkle like diamonds in the sunlight, but merely gives off an ethereal glow instead.

Renesmee is also able to sleep, which her parents might be envious of. While she does prefer human blood, she is able to survive on both animal blood and human food. In order to prove that their daughter is no threat to vampire, Edward and Bella assemble a large gathering of vampire friends to meet and attest to Renesmee's character and development not as a stagnant, vampire baby, but ad s growing child. While friends and acquaintances of the Cullens gather to meet the young hybrid and her mother, readers get to meet a wide variety of vampires from around the world.

For a kid who was pretty much just born yesterday, Renesmee is changing the vampire world in a huge way, serving as the catalyst for gatherings like this one and proving that outdated policies need revisiting.

Perhaps there's hope that she could change the methods of the Volturi someday. Renesmee's rapid development means that she does everything much earlier than a normal baby.

Renesmee will never be the same weight or height as other babies her age because she'll have outgrown them all by years by the time her three-month checkup rolls around. By three weeks of age, Renesmee is already walking, beating normal babies by months, and she can speak in full sentences by the end of her first week of life, when most babies can only cry and make random noises.

By the time other babies are speaking, Renesmee is running, jumping, and wearing clothing from the children's department. Anyone who's been pregnant before knows what a battle it can be to provide adequate nutrition for a developing baby. Not only do you need to avoid certain foods and attempt to take in sufficient vitamins for yourself and the baby, but your body works against you, providing the developing fetus with vitamins before your body is able to access them.

Before Bella gave birth to Renesmee, the baby's need for human blood spread into her mother, who discovered that she needed to drink it in order to give her daughter the nutrients that she needed to live. While Bella didn't need the blood for her own survival, she does drink donated human blood before she becomes a vampire in order to give Renesmee nutrients.

One of the side effects of being a human-vampire hybrid rather than a full vampire is that Renesmee is non-venomous. Like the other hybrid female vampires, she doesn't carry the poison used to make new vampires, making her even less dangerous to the vampire community than the Volturi and their supporters suspected in the first place. While Renesmee may have some healing capabilities, she won't be able to completely heal herself in the case of a large wound, like dismemberment, as a male hybrid is able to do.

She might still smell like a vampire, but her non-venomous nature is thought by many fans to reflect her human side. One of the wildest things about Renesmee Cullen is her ability to not only communicate with her father, but to reason with him while inside the womb.

It's may baffle us, but it reassures her dad, who, up until this point, treated her as a hostile parasite inflicting harm on his wife. When Edward was able to sense Renesmee's love for her mother, he realized that she wasn't attempting to off her; she simply couldn't help her strength. Edward is also able to tell his daughter that she's harming her mother, and she's able to reason with the information and stop doing so much damage. Even those who don't like Bella Swan couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor woman during her wildly abnormal pregnancy, which not only progressed at an extremely rapid rate but also resulted in her nearly biting the dust in the process.

Renesmee might be a cute, sweet kid, but as a unborn baby she put her mother through the ringer. She drained Bella close to lifelessness, beat her up from her own powerful movements in the womb, and even managed to break her mom's ribs.

It definitely wasn't an easy pregnancy, if such a pregnancy even truly exists in the first place. The fact that it will only take Renesmee seven years to reach adulthood makes no sense. There's no explanation given for this timeline, nor for why her age will freeze in young adulthood. It's senseless and random, seemingly designed only to age her up for Jacob. Lots of writers find the daily struggles of parenthood too tedious for entertainment, leaving them to write kids in sporadically, aging them rapidly, or otherwise glossing over the kids' existence in the parents' lives.

Bella and Edward have a pretty easy parenthood ahead of them once they manage to keep their daughter safe from the Volturi. Many fans cringed at the thought of Jacob Black giving Renesmee the equivalent of a promise ring during her first Christmas. What should have been a time for playing with toys and enjoying what little childhood she had instead became a moment of weird romance that felt inappropriate to many people. Jacob didn't gift her a ring, but the charm bracelet that he gave Renesmee was his tribe's equivalent of a promise ring, so it had the same implications.


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