What is the website xdd.org

Sections U. Science Technology Business U. Press release content from Globe Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation. The united company will operate as a global technology-enabled service provider and eDiscovery leader assisting clients with their toughest challenges. Click to visit Consilio. Open communication , closed case Orchestrating precision communication between people, processes, technology and data to optimize matters Let's converse.

May we have , words with you? Ransom where? Secure more. Discover More. Man age d Review Welcome to the new age of conducting reviews Manage More. Our in-depth understanding of in situ bioremediation remediation and enhancement methods allows us to recommend the optimal solution for each site. Implementation: XDD is renowned for our high quality implementation services with a stellar health and safety record. Design: XDD has designed a significant number of projects using several different application strategies depending upon the site geology and project goals.

We have successfully implemented ISCR to treat both large and small sites with numerous site-specific challenges. Our engineers and scientists have experience in the following chemistry systems:. XDD has applied over 2. We provide A to Z services with regard to the design, testing and implementation of in situ chemical oxidation ISCO for soil and groundwater remediation.

XDD has designed a significant number of projects using several different application strategies including direct injection, pull-push, and re-circulation. Our in-depth understanding of each technology allows us to select the optimal chemistry for each site.

XDD is renowned for our high quality implementation services with a stellar health and safety record. We have successfully implemented ISCO to treat both large and small sites with numerous site-specific challenges including:. XDD was among the first companies to apply activated persulfate and stabilized hydrogen peroxide. XDD regularly publishes book chapters, assists on guidance documents, presents at national conferences, and completes government funded field and bench studies.

Our engineers and scientists have experience in the following oxidant systems:. XDD staff helped pioneer these remedial technologies with the first U. Furthermore, XDD — working with the U. Capital expenditures for other remedial technologies are significant relative to long-term operation and maintenance of an extraction system.

As XDD is not invested in pushing a singular in-situ remedial technology, we have designed, installed, and operated a number of remedial systems involving hydraulic capture. Tasks completed by XDD include:. In situ thermal remediation involves the injection of energy into the subsurface to either destroy or mobilize and recover volatile and semi-volatile organic contaminants.

XDD has experience in the evaluation and implementation of several thermal remedial technologies. Additionally, thermal technologies can be used to increase biologically mediated transformation rates for many dissolved contaminants. XDD is currently applying steam enhanced SVE to accelerate removal of hundreds of thousands of pounds of di-, and tri- chlorobenzenes at a mid-west industrial facility to meet the EPA required remedial clean-up time frames.

Soil and Groundwater Remediation Specialists. Remediation Technologies. Treatability Testing.


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