How do mega millions drawings work

Tickets may be purchased until p. Tickets purchased after that time will be for the next drawing. See chart below for all Megaplier prize payouts. Match all five numbers plus the Mega Ball to win the jackpot or match any of the non-jackpot-winning combinations to win other great cash prizes! The jackpot will be paid in 30 graduated annual payments or a one-time cash payment of a reduced amount.

Read more about claiming Lottery prizes. If you claim a prize on a winning Advance Play ticket before all of the draws on the ticket have occurred, you will be issued a continuation ticket for the remaining draws with the same play numbers as the original ticket. All prizes must be claimed within days of the applicable drawing date. Prizes other than the Jackpot Prize which, under these rules, may become single-payment, pari-mutuel prizes, may be rounded down so that prizes can be paid in multiples of whole dollars.

Breakage resulting from rounding these prizes shall be carried forward to the prize pool for the next drawing. Roll Over of Jackpot Prize: If the Jackpot Prize is not won in a drawing, the prize money allocated for the Jackpot Prize shall roll over and be added to the Jackpot Prize pool for the following drawing. One Prize per Game Play: The holder of a winning ticket may win only one prize per game play in connection with the winning numbers drawn, and shall be entitled only to the prize won by those numbers in the highest matching prize category.

Claim Expires in days: Claims for all prize categories, including the Jackpot Prize, shall be submitted within days after the date of the drawing in accordance with these rules. Nothing in this rule shall be construed as a waiver of any defense or claim the Lottery may have in the event a purchaser or person making a claim pursues litigation against the Lottery Board of Directors, Lottery, its officers, or employees.

Expected Prize Payout: Except as provided in these rules, all prizes awarded shall be paid as lump sum Set Prizes. The Product Group may elect to run limited promotions that may modify the multiplier features.

If, after these sources are depleted, there are not sufficient funds to pay the Set Prizes awarded including Megaplier prize amounts , then the highest Set Prize including the Megaplier prize amounts shall become a pari-mutuel prize. If the amount of the highest Set Prize, when paid on a pari-mutuel basis, drops to or below the next highest Set Prize and there are still not sufficient funds to pay the remaining Set Prizes awarded, then the next highest Set Prize, concluding the Megaplier prize amount, shall become a pari-mutuel prize.

This procedure shall continue down through all Set Prize levels, if necessary, until all Set Prizes become pari-mutuel prize levels. In that instance, the money available from the funding sources listed in this rule shall be divided among the winning plays in proportion to their respective prize percentages.

Mega Millions and Megaplier prizes will be reduced by the same percentage. Oftentimes, though, there are even fewer than five number groups represented in the winning combination. Number groups count off in groups of ten: 0s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. It's unlikely that all five main numbers will come from one number group, but it's fairly common for one number group to be represented more than once. As a general rule, try to choose numbers that represent three to four of these number groups.

Select both hot and cold numbers. There's no fixed ratio of hot to cold numbers, but you should try to include at least one of each in your group of five.

It's just as unlikely that all five numbers will be "cold" as it is that all five will be "hot. Two cold numbers can be inactive for equal amounts of time, and one might suddenly become hot while the other stays cold. Avoid identical combinations. Number combinations that have won in the past are unlikely to win again, so duplicating a winning combination from the past will almost always result in failure.

Statistically, any specific string of numbers has a chance of being drawn only once in approximately 2,, years. That doesn't mean it can't happen, of course. There has been one set of five numbers drawn twice since the start of Mega Millions , [4] X Research source but such incidents are highly uncommon. For this reason, it's also a good idea to change your number combination each time you play instead of sticking with the same one.

Your initial combination is no more likely to win than any other combination you could choose. Skip strings of consecutive numbers. Avoid choosing the combination 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for your Mega Millions ticket.

Similarly, avoid choosing any set of five consecutive numbers. Consecutive strings are so poorly balanced that they are extremely rare and almost never occur. Note, however, that it is not uncommon for two numbers within a string of five to directly follow one another e. Consecutive pairs are okay, but consecutive strings of five are very rare.

Don't bet on patterns. Any pattern is predictable, but in a random drawing like the Mega Millions, perfect patterns are quite rare and probably won't win. One pattern people mistakenly play involves creating a straight line vertically or diagonally across the number ticket. Number multiples e. A final pattern you should avoid involves choosing numbers that all have the same last digit e. Try playing random numbers. Since the Mega Millions winning numbers are chosen at random, using a randomized system to blindly choose the numbers you play can actually work to your favor.

You'll be more likely to end up with a set of numbers that is truly random, rather than a set that has been subliminally influenced by your own biases and ideas. If you plan on purchasing more than one ticket, consider both strategies.

Choose your numbers for one ticket and let the machine choose random numbers for your second ticket. As long as you've picked the numbers that are drawn, the order is not important. Not Helpful 1 Helpful Not Helpful 4 Helpful Keep in mind there are millions of tickets sold. Also, although, theoretically, the odds of winning by buying random numbers can be calculated, your odds of increasing your chances are practically nil. Not Helpful 16 Helpful Lotteries are completely random, so there is no combination of numbers that would be better than any other.

A lot of people choose birthdays or ages of family, or some other numbers that have meaning to them. Not Helpful 11 Helpful No, but your state may release your name to the public by law without your consent depending on the state, so be aware that you may not be able to keep your identity private even if you don't go on TV. Not Helpful 9 Helpful Online or in your local newspaper the day after the drawing. You can probably go into a store that sells tickets to request the winning numbers as well.

Not Helpful 3 Helpful Not Helpful 19 Helpful You can use any random string of numbers or you can let the machine pick the number for you. Many people use the ages of the members of their families for their numbers. Not Helpful 14 Helpful Not Helpful 6 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

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