Scenarios n n n On which properties can Person self-implement? Which property owners have to give consent to receive relocated soils? Owner 3 wants soil to build up land for a slab foundation. Which standard to use and why? Spanish Rule in Texas Focus The. Auto Focus Auto Focus What is auto focus. Status of the Laser Risk Reduction Program at. A thoroughly emptied and cleaned metal tank, for instance, may have other uses and need not be removed or destroyed to attain closure.
Non-earthen materials such as synthetic liners or pipes or concrete can be decontaminated by washing, sandblasting, flushing, etc. Refer to 30 TAC for additional requirements that could apply to the waste after removal from the unit. The requirements for management of waste in 30 TAC Decontamination is not an option for this category of waste. Characteristic hazardous waste: 30 TAC If treatment only eliminates the hazardous characteristic, the remnant is still solid waste in need of further treatment or removal.
For example, in attempting to close a waste storage tank containing low-pH wastes hazardous for corrosivity , the person adjusts the pH so the waste is no longer hazardous. The resulting material, if not removed from the tank, is still subject to the requirements for nonhazardous waste as described in the next paragraph.
Nonhazardous waste: 30 TAC This requirement will apply to most closures of waste-management units under TRRP. Removal of all waste from the unit including waste residue, sludge, and any other intrinsically waste-like material , regardless of type, will meet the closure performance standard with respect to elimination. The waste in the unit can be treated to reduce its volume or change its composition prior to removal.
However, material remaining after treatment will be considered decontaminated to essentially being an environmental medium not requiring removal from land-based units such as surface impoundments or land treatment units only if it meets the following conditions: 1. It is unconsolidated, particulate, naturally occurring pedological material, essentially soil- or rock-like in composition and texture.
It satisfies aesthetic criteria [30 TAC If decontamination does not meet all three conditions, the person can apply other treatment processes or elect to close in place under Option B. In selecting treatment processes, consider that stabilization, solidification or fixation of wastes e.
Use of physical controls necessitates post-closure care. The flexibility available in this option covers a range of situations.
For example, closure of a Class III waste landfill without a release would need only a soil cover with minimal post-closure care. Deed recordation in accordance with 30 TAC A model deed notice for this purpose appears in 5. In contrast, a surface impoundment with Class I saturated sludge and a release to groundwater could require treatment or stabilization of the waste if not removed to minimize or prevent the post-closure escape of leachate, as well as an engineered impermeable cover to minimize rainwater infiltration.
In this example, the design of the unit deactivation and waste management source control must be integrated with the response action for the release. Similarly, post-closure care of the unit is combined with post— response action care for the remedy. A determination of whether a release has occurred can be based on one or more of the following lines of evidence: a unit inspection; operator knowledge; a review of records e.
For aboveground units, units with secondary containment, and units shown to be adequately constructed and well-maintained, a release determination can be based on a unit inspection and records review as long as that information demonstrates that no release to the environment has occurred. If deactivation of a unit includes some over-excavation of soil during its removal, base the release determination on direct observations of in-place soil or samples collected from the base and side walls of the excavation.
In general, a release assessment will be necessary when design and location relative to the ground surface prevent inspection beneath the unit, as for an in-ground sump or oil-water separator, an underground tank, or a land-based unit such as a surface impoundment, landfill, or waste pile. Contaminated media, if removed for treatment, storage, or disposal elsewhere, must be managed as waste commensurate with the waste classification hazardous, Class 1, 2, or 3 of 30 TAC Chapter , Subchapter R.
An alternative management option for removed soils is relocation for reuse if the conditions of 30 TAC If no PCL exceedance zone exists in environmental media, the closure process consists of the unit deactivation and the assessment. If the conditions of the memo cited above see 3. A response that uses a physical control to contain or isolate the release is subject to the requirements for Remedy Standard B of 30 TAC For example, a person can close an on-grade tank by removing the tank and its waste while controlling the release from the tank to the underlying media with an engineered clay cap and hydraulic containment wells within a plume management zone.
Physical controls necessitate post-response action care commensurate with the complexity of the remedy. Financial assurance for such care of the physical control may be required. Whitehead Environmental Solutions Whitehead E. How Can We Help? Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in. Share on facebook. Share on twitter. Share on linkedin. Share on pinterest. April 29, by Candice Medina. Our Projects. Super Fun with Superfund. Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin.